Comparative advantage vs competitive advantage

Comparative advantage Vs. competitive advantage

Comparative advantage vs competitive advantage: Comparative advantage means a nation’s ability to generate a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than other nations. In contrast, competitive advantage means any benefits or gains that can be achieved by a company or country over its competitors.

Both comparative advantage and competitive advantage play very important role in the decision-making process. When a country or a business firm decides what to produce and what to export, it should consider both comparative advantage and competitive advantage.

So, it is very important to understand the difference between comparative advantage and competitive advantage. Some people think that comparative advantage is similar to competitive advantage. But no! They are very distinct concepts from each other. Before discussing the difference between comparative advantage vs competitive advantage, let’s consider what are comparative advantage and competitive advantage.

What is Comparative Advantage?

Comparative advantage means a nation’s ability to generate a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than other nations. According to the comparative advantage theory, a country may be not the best at producing a good or service but sometimes it may be able to produce this good or service at a lower opportunity cost than other nations.

When we consider about a business firm, comparative advantage means a company’s ability to generate a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than other companies.

To read more about comparative advantage and examples of it, kindly click on,

Definition and examples of comparative advantage

How to calculate comparative advantage?

The main understanding of the theory of comparative advantage depends on the opportunity cost.

Opportunity cost can be defined as the value of the losing best option as a result of you selecting an option. In other words, opportunity cost means when we make a decision, the value of the next best option that we lost or we have to give up.

To read more about the opportunity cost, kindly click here

Comparative advantage is a relative term. Because in comparative advantage, countries or companies are compared to each other.

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What is Competitive Advantage?

What is Competitive Advantage?

Competitive advantage means any benefits or gains that can be achieved by a company or country over its competitors. The competitive advantage can occur because of the low cost of labour, differentiation of labour, low cost structure, and easy and proper access to the materials.

If a company has a competitive advantage, it can offer a greater value to customers when compared with the competitors. As an example, a company can offer more benefits than competitors at the same price. Because that company has lower cost of labors.

Relationship between comparative advantage and competitive advantage

Although comparative advantage is not the competitive advantage, there is a close relationship between these concepts. That is, comparative advantage is a form of the competitive advantage. As having a comparative advantage would no doubt bring the company many competitive benefits. In other words, when there is a comparative advantage for a company or a country, it has fulfilled the one requirement of the competitive advantage.

So, competitive advantage is a broader area and comparative advantage is a small area that is in the competitive advantage. It will be presented in the following figure.

Relationship between comparative advantage and competitive advantage
Relationship between comparative advantage and competitive advantage

Comparative advantage Vs. competitive advantage


1. Both comparative advantage and competitive advantage play very important role in the decision-making process.

2. Both comparative advantage and competitive advantage are relative terms. Because in both terms, countries or companies are compared to each other.

Differences between Comparative advantage Vs. competitive advantage

1. Comparative advantage explains how a country or business organization can get benefits by producing products that comprise lower opportunity costs when compared with others. Competitive advantage explains how to gain benefits by offering products with distinctive advantages over competitors.

2. Comparative advantage is an economic concept that encourages international trade among countries while the competitive advantage is a strategic management concept that encourages business organizations to beat the competition.

3. A country will able to achieve comparative advantage if it can achieve economies of scale when increasing the production. A business firm can achieve competitive advantage if it can offer differentiated products from competitors.

4. Comparative advantage is a less significant concept than a competitive advantage. Because it is only one component of the competitive advantage. Because of globalization, any company can achieve inputs at a lower cost. But nowadays, getting competitive advantage through differentiated products is very important.

Comparative advantage Vs. competitive advantage

Economics MCQs –

  1. What does comparative advantage mean?
    a) A country’s ability to produce goods at the same cost as other nations
    b) A country’s ability to generate a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than other nations
    c) A country’s ability to dominate the global market
    d) A country’s ability to outperform its competitors in the market
  2. What does competitive advantage refer to?
    a) The ability of a country to produce all goods more efficiently than other nations
    b) Any benefits or gains that can be achieved by a company or country over its competitors
    c) The ability of a country to import goods at a lower cost than other nations
    d) The ability of a company to maintain the same level of production as its competitors
  3. What is the main difference between comparative advantage and competitive advantage?
    a) Comparative advantage focuses on dominating the market, while competitive advantage focuses on reducing production costs
    b) Comparative advantage focuses on increasing market share, while competitive advantage focuses on increasing revenue
    c) Comparative advantage focuses on lower opportunity cost, while competitive advantage focuses on outperforming competitors
    d) Comparative advantage focuses on technological advancements, while competitive advantage focuses on workforce diversity
  4. What is the relationship between comparative advantage and competitive advantage?
    a) Comparative advantage and competitive advantage are unrelated concepts
    b) Comparative advantage is a form of competitive advantage
    c) Competitive advantage is a form of comparative advantage
    d) Comparative advantage is only relevant in domestic markets
  5. How can a country achieve comparative advantage?
    a) By producing goods at a lower opportunity cost than other nations
    b) By restricting trade with other nations
    c) By reducing the quality of goods to lower prices
    d) By increasing production costs to match global standards
  6. What is the significance of competitive advantage in today’s global market?
    a) Differentiated products are crucial for gaining a competitive advantage
    b) Competitive advantage has become irrelevant due to globalization
    c) Lowering production costs is no longer important
    d) Competitive advantage is only achievable through government subsidies
  7. What does opportunity cost refer to in the context of comparative advantage?
    a) The value of the next best option that is given up when making a decision
    b) The cost of labor in different countries
    c) The cost of raw materials in the global market
    d) The total cost of production for a specific good or service
  8. How does a company achieve competitive advantage?
    a) By reducing the quality of products to lower costs
    b) By matching competitors’ prices exactly
    c) By increasing production costs to improve quality
    d) By offering products with distinctive advantages over competitors
  9. What is the role of comparative advantage in encouraging international trade?
    a) It restricts trade between countries
    b) It promotes specialization and trade between countries
    c) It increases import tariffs
    d) It leads to self-sufficiency in production
  10. Why is competitive advantage considered a broader concept than comparative advantage?
    a) Competitive advantage is limited to domestic markets
    b) Competitive advantage is not relevant in the global market
    c) Competitive advantage is solely based on government support
    d) Competitive advantage encompasses various strategies beyond just lower opportunity costs

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